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Showing posts with the label Management

Morning Routines for Success

We have all heard of morning routines of the successful entrepreneurs - Tony Robins  and  Mel Robbins  just to name a few. However, my issue with morning rituals is usually the length of time it takes me to do all the things that I want to do. I think that Mel Robbins was right (as always ) when she said that in order for a morning routine to work effectively you must also have a night time routine. I believe that this is why I have a hard time with a morning routine, I do not have a night time routine (hmmm). Let's dig in on the good stuff.  1. "Find a Routine and Stick with it" - Eric Thomas Do you have a routine, do you have a specific time that you wake up in the morning? Have you been able to practice it consistently?  Your routine does not necessarily have to be the exact one that someone you admire does, you can adapt it to your lifestyle- you can make it yours.  I struggle with sticking to routines because I always c...

Time Management and Planning

Photo by from Pexels You may be asking, why I would pick a topic like this to talk on. Well, let me tell you all about it. I am learning about managing my time and my resources (my energy and my time). As always I learn and share. I should also take this opportunity to let you know that I, yes me, did a small photo shoot yesterday with my niece. I hate taking pictures. You know how everybody has a good side, I have none and I am serious, I have no right side or wrong side. I just have a side. This is my idea of coming out of my comfort zone and me managing what I have - ME Special Shout out to my niece Sarah who took the pictures they are all fabulous See this one: Photo by: Sarah Solomon Anyways back to my title "Time Management and Planning"  I have always wondered about the people who only align themselves with the people who can take them places and I used to call these people "spongers" yes I was young once. As I got older...