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Self Care- ME taking Care of ME

I love being able to spend time with my most favourite gal. ME!

There was a time when being alone would have scared the sh.t out of me. At one time in my life, I would have always had to keep busy.

My bestie said something that stuck with me until now, "What is wrong, don't you like yourself"

I kinda brush it off and promptly went back to staying busy. 

But somewhere along the line as I started on my journey of self-discovery, I began to understand why she would ask that question. 

Taking time for me and my thoughts, as scary and chaotic as they are it was such a good move in the right direction for me.

I generally spend my quiet time reading, deep thinking and writing in my journal. Sometimes there is no plan, I just wing it.

I sleep, drink water, stay indoors and ask myself questions that I need answers to. Often I do not get the answers, but there are times when an entire plan would come through. I have learnt to trust the process and stay faithful to the cause.

With all the talk of "Selfcare", I just wanted to add my two cents to it. Self-Care is different for everyone, it's not one model fix all. It is doing more of what works for you as you strive to take care of yourself.

So whatever you choose to do as your self-care regime, just take care of you girl, your body, feed your mind a healthy diet of positive uplifting thoughts and affirmations. Stay connected to the people who truly care about you.

After all, this is the only life you have, so make it count however you choose, silently and softly or LOUD and Proud

What is your go-to self-care regime? 

Please Share, I love connecting with new people.
Whatsapp: +1 592-648-0847 


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