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What I am Reading and doing This Week

I am not super important I do, however, have a learning mindset. And these are my projects for this week

Reading List

Starting a Successful Blog When you have NO Clue! (2019) by Gundi Gabrielle. I grab this from amazon kindle for less than One Dollar US. Which is a Steal when converted to my Guyanese Dollars (0.99usd x $200G$ = $198 Guyanese dollars) By the way, did I mention - realllllly reallllly cheap in our dollars.

I have taken the liberty of attaching the link in the name of the book. You can check it out. I am not making any money or anything from sharing this link. If you are thinking of starting your blog and money is a bit tight, I would recommend that you check it out.

I am also still reading Jen Sincero's You are a badass at Making Money 
- an awesome read for those of us who have mental blocks on earning money. Money making is a sticky subject for some. But I have grown past the stick away from me to stick to

🔼I have taken the liberty of attaching the link in the name of the book. You can check it out. I am not making any money or anything from sharing this link. 

I am also very interested in Mel Robbins theory that motivation is garbage because I think there is truth to it. I am a system kinda a woman. I love Mel Robbins, check out the video below. I hope you find it interesting.

I have also learnt how to add blogs that I find interesting to my reading list on blogger.

What I am Exploring 

1. Email Chimp

2. Project Management

3. Digital Marketing Books and Videos

4. Using Typeform to create online opt-in forms

Natasha VA Business (my side Hustle) - How to grow and expand this business has been on my mind so much lately. Because I want the freedom to create my own schedule and to create an environment that I want to work in.

My full-time job is still a big chunk of my day but I am fitting in all of this around it.

My Favourite free tool to help me is, of course, Google Calendar...I really prefer digital calendars because of the flexibility.

Let me know in the comments if you find these interesting.
